June 24th everybody is gonna have the opportunity to see George Romero's 4th sequel to his original masterpiece Night of the Living Dead. Night had two sequels, Dawn of the Dead, which is a comic book adventure, and the much darker and cult favorite, Day of the Dead. The entire trilogy stands on its own as one of the best horror franchises ever, and my pesonal favorite. Land of the Dead is set shortly after Day (of the dead) and features the acting of John Leguizamo, (The Pest, Spun) Dennis Hopper, (Easy Rider, apocalypse Now) the lesser KnowN Simon Baker, and as no stranger to the game, the lovely and talented, Asia Argento. Go and see Land of the Dead, Universal has grown the balls to give Romero some serious cash to do what all of his fans have been wanting since Duane Jones took it in the forehead in the end of the original. Romeros a great director who understands what his fans want from his movies, and will deliver. I suggest that this be your must see movie of the summer, Go see War of the Worlds, it will be good but if you wanna see a true horror classic over a summer blockbuster, go see Land of the Dead.

PS Look for a motorcycle dressed zombie, played by a certain special FX guru


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