Senator, This is the same flawed thinking which allowed for the Patriot Act, with it's robust capabilities to infringe upon civil rights, and it's pittance of terror related convictions. The bald faced truth is that for the foreseeable future no state or government will every sufficiently be able to defend against cyber attacks of any degree of sophistication, as evidenced by the repeated and incessant attacks perpetuated by groups both private and state-sponsored, by us, against us, etc. Citing danger as an excuse for infringing upon the rights and liberties of innocent and law-abiding citizens is never excusable, though it is done with an ever-increasing and frightening regularity. This is not as you say striking a balance, this is the eroding away via legislation of the basic rights of privacy otherwise afforded by the US Constitution. With all due respect, until those elected in to power realize it is not theirs to wield, but rather to shepherd, on behalf of those who...