I'm not drunk, I'm just exhuasted from stayin up all night drinking.

Nice little evening at the birthday(s) party. Paul Grates and I were discussing walk-off homeruns and how Jose Mesa happened to be serving that evening; very painful memories were evoked for the kid, I kind of felt bad for him, he's in that whole why can't my club win one, ever stage. For the most part I live there too, but not really, actually not much at all anymore. As for me I drank early, and then later on I stood behind the bar, and wiped stuff up with the towel or put water into glasses for people; I became a real go-to guy. Is anybody else troubled by how many people's birthdays take place in the span of the past few days? Gia, Roc, two Belmonts, my cousin Garold, and Sven Maley; if I wanted to make a bad mental picture I would run it all back negative nine months and check out what was going on around that time of year; did a seasonal Barry Manilow traveling show always come to town around then? Meanwhile back at the Tack Buck was taking a stroll down memory lane and telling us about his first DWI arrest; very touching, and hilarious stuff- the guy had roughly 6 cases of PBR before Buck managed to pry the window down; I think he drank a keg before he made the trip out onto the streets. Also a tip for all you would-be cops out there, (gleaned from Buck and PJ) always search the person after you bust them, it's like finding a drunk treasure box and not opening it up if you don't!


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