You can have your own tonight.

I lead inside a girl I knew twice in two different past lives, this is all past tense now, so read it as such. Arm in arm you might say, determined to forge ahead, away from what we both lacked. I’m not sure if I ever really took a shot, if I did I half suspect we never would’ve kept formalities intact this long. Love or hate, love or hate for and from them all, is the rule of engagement as far as she’s ever known. The rule this night was indifference, however, and she chased a name as soon as we hit the door, I was left alone, to face the world, and a crowded floor.

To my left a name I myself knew, an old friend calling my own, and I joined their party. One true friend and a bunch of false ones, for they were not known. But that is an old friend’s worth, you will accept his lot, if for no other fact greater than the one that he was willing to accept you.

We ate meals that had no name, from dishes that had no shape. And all about silence abounded, lest the lights should flicker and find you in contempt of this new found contemporary cuisine. Most curious were the huddles of tiny drinks which while wet still kept the union of the candle and the flame. And I consumed them until I found myself consumed by the thought of the light I had not managed to extinguish.

And then a kid I knew only by face asked me to box, he was a kid only by pejorative, as he never had a chance. A video game played out in real life for these diner’s delights.

It takes little physical effort to hurt someone, in this circumstance, even when there is no intent. When you want to get around to really hurting someone isn’t words after all that you’d use most? Though I guess the other one would have to care first for this pursuit to draw blood. In the first case I can take a punch, and in the second I guess my heart’s still beating, so it might as well be more of the same.

Excepting all of this, of course, if you’re fancy with a gun, in which case you can do whatever you’d like. But that wasn’t part of the dream, just everything else. Still I take away from all of this mostly the candles in the glass, and the oceans of tiny worlds still above them.

Now I have got to stop smiling, it gives the wrong impression. Good morning?


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