Anonymous (A): so awesome quote in [a] book i thought you would like

Personal affection is a luxury you can have only after all your enemies are eliminated. Until then, everyone you love is a hostage, sappng your courage and corrupting your judgment. -Orson Scott Card

Me: And who/what does he propose these enemies are?

A: well i don't kno who his were the author just quotes him cause it's relevant to her story line

Me: Yes, but whats the story line? its meaningless for sure outside of context.

A: really? i always put things into my own context anyway, but in the story bella wasn't supposed to have a baby and people will be coming to try n kill it.

A: without that part i thought the everyone you love being hostage was meaningful to me anyway

Me: I dont think it makes any sense.

A: i guess i can't explain it

Me: I'm sure you could explain it as it relates to the story, but as a stand alone idea its supposition at best.

A: well, not entirely, like when you look at a painting you dont always know what it's about but a part of you sometimes gets it,like something in it means something to you---i read that and felt like i sympathized with the emotion, instead of the literal translation. thought you would feel the same...guess not

Me: I guess I can't understand that sentiment.

A: ahhh you are young yet

Me: No thats not it at all. It's a garbage idea actually, I was trying to be polite about it.

A: you really are such a buzz kill.... i guess i thought you were smart so i could like share things but i don't think your are as smart as you let on and i quite often your misery brings me down. such a downer! i don't thik i wanna be your friend anymore.

I think the lesson here, as always, is I am not as smart as I let on. I am also a buzz kill, often times quite miserable, and somewhat of a downer. You, kind reader, can no longer say you had not been forewarned.


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