J.P. we hardly knew ye...

But it appears you suck, a lot. Yesterday I was treated to both the Sox and the Bills getting slapped about by their various opponents, I had the face that people who commit road rage make. Losman didn't suck when I saw him in Buffalo in week one, maybe somebody told him that out of bounds was a good reciever and he should throw to him often, something like that.

Anyway, the Buffalo trip; it was a very fun one. Multiple Fernallds, Belmonts, and Grates and I made the trip. Everyone was up bright and early, and extra cranky right out of the shoot. Somebody forgot to bring any number of restraining devices for Chris Belmont, and the best we could do was put him all the way in the back, which did very little, if nothing to stifle his bitter-aggression. Like an extra drunk John Stockton at an in-laws family reunion, Cb was dishing insults to everybody in sight; so it was a pretty routine trip. We did some nice tail-gating before the game, threw some alcohol down of course and then headed inside. Luckily for us the security at the entrance was a bunch of old guys, and they were doing pat-downs, which explains why CB kept getting back in line. The beers cost about 3oo dollars a glass, so we only had a few; most of which ended up on my shirt during the introductions, which was nice, because smelling like beer is always fun. The seats were sick, and a great time was had by all. Levity was provided by J-Biz and the Roc trying their hardest to get restraining orders issued against them by the nearest members of the Buffalo Jills. But the girls were nice, even posing for a picture for Roc if he promised to make "that other kid put his pants back on and stop yelling." I kid I kid, he didn't take his pants off, I hope. I think I was delirious by the time I made it home.

Funny anecdotes from the weekend:

Joe B bought into a poker tourney at Jarod's homestead Saturday night, and promptly washed out on the first hand; when asked for comment Joe explained that "it wasn't anything like Celebrity poker that he sees on tv."

Lou, the wonderful heavily-accented proprieter of Tony's Lounge promised Tim Cong and I he would never again run out of Jack Daniels, which with the help of a couple other fine gentleman we managed to drink the supply of Saturday night. The free drinks would have been a lot nicer had there actually been Jack left.

And from the dogs are smarter than we are files, the real reason Mickey is so happy all the time is because it gives her a good excuse to wag her tail violently, and in turn knock over whatever drinks are on the table outside; she gladly cleans up afterwards.

As always, the Yankees suck, and sadly so does J.P. Losman


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