I had an interesting conversation late last night with someone I've known for a few years about relationships. We seemed to come to the same conclusion as to the effects of bad things happening to good people. We kinda thought bad things most likely happen to everybody, I specifically like to think humanity has been more or less a crap-shoot.
What I mean to say is that I think the idea of such a thing as kharma or fate are only so significant as the esteem in which they are held by the individual; if you believe in fate for example, you'd be inclined to believe that whatever comes your way was more or less supposed to be that way, no matter the decision or reaction to a situation, the cards have long ago been dealt. Or all the old addages, what goes around comes around, reap what you sew, do unto others... could it be simply that we believe that if we ascribe to a certain set of general conduct rules, commandments, or other various doctrines of faith we are somehow due in return what we give (or even worse what we let on that we seem to give)? I guess thats just one side of things, as for myself I'm more inclined to believe that very little is pre-ordained, and good things aren't always in store for good people unfortunately; a man's life is really a roll of the dice in terms of outside force, preparation against outside forces (such as sickness, poverty, human agression) will indeed prove a good defense, but sometimes simply isn't enough. I mean to say that shit happens I guess, but you already know that; I just think moreover that shit doesn't necessarily happen for any good reason.
I also kind of believe that bad shit more or less happens equally to everyone in some way shape or form, the one caveat here is that you must truly endeavour to live a life examined to be subject to the odds of the cosmos. If you were say a hermit you'd be subjected mainly to the elements alone, or if you were a millionaire's wife your crucible would be your immediate family and whatever it is you were to watch on tv. Therein between is most everyone else, and that is where life happens; and exerts it's force on the great mass of us all.
I like to picture in this sense the world as one big room of neatly arranged people, from left to right and front to back the floor is slanted, there are a select few at the very top, most everybody else is more or less in the middle, some better some worse, and then there are those at the very bottom. Each person is some small object, for my thinking most people are mouse-traps, some are small bowls, some hollow tubes through the floor and still others a basic cube. In this sense if one was to throw all sorts of simple shapes down upon this mass of the world (such as round balls of varying weight, or jagged free-form shapes, and also basic block shaped objects) there would be an amazing variance of reaction. The possibilities for outcomes are semantical in nature, and only semi-interesting to think about. But for me simply enough this serves to represent the world, some people get lucky and don't get hit, some people get hit but are oblivious, some never recover, some go on, but in a different form for the struggle, some we lose, and some go on to inflict further damage having suffered by turn their own wounds. I like to think best of all there are those who solve these problems, not by having it figured out, but maybe being sheltering by nature, or giving early warning of an impending problem, etc etc.
Anyway, what I really think is that each day is a new start; though rarely to resolve your own problems there is always the option of whether or not to help the being next to you. At this point I have to believe that our actions towards others are the only significant choices the vast majority of people are ever afforded in the day to day operations in life. It's a pretty big deal how we treat one another, maybe you think everything bad happens to you, maybe you don't give a shit, too perhaps you're the one throwing down on everybody else, or even worse you're like me, and are so delusional as to think that even if you were able to see things the way they were, you could ever hope to make a difference. But you should give it a shot, nothing in our brief time in this place is guaranteed, especially not the duration of our stay, we're all going to leave in the blink of an eye really. What we can control though, is our actions towards others, and our efforts in securing something better for those we love, for even love in return is never guaranteed, as with most everything else in life. Remember that you will lose, what matters is how you conduct yourself while you are being destroyed. Kinda morbid I guess, but life's like that.


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