Seems like it's always understood this time of year...

That I'll get poison ivy or one of it's ilk. Because that's how I roll. It's not as bad as the storm of '99 if anybody can remember how freakishly bad I looked; so that's good, but in the meantime I want to alternately cry, break stuff, and finally and most tantalizing of my urges I like to take the large knife conveniently situated nearby and poke my skin where it itches. Soothing, yes but not nearly enough.
I can say with much certainty that I came in contact with this lovely predicament while in the gorge with none other than the infamous Joe B, checking out a waterfalls spot that he enjoys. Hey, I enjoyed hanging out there too, even going so far as to tout the re-invigorating effect of the free ions in the air around waterfalls and mountains. But my tune is slightly different now, that spot sucks; I can still picture Joe with the shovel whacking at all the bushes he could swing at, I know well enough not to disturb poison ivy or sumac or oak (somebody else does not). Such however, is life as they say; so if you have an itch, give it a scratch for me.

Last night I went on one of the longest song searching crusades I've ever embarked upon, recalling two obscure beauties from around '98; one came somewhat easily, (at around an hour still far too long for such a music aficionado as I like to consider myself) that song being Ticking by Loud Lucy. The other tune on the other hand proved to be more than a match for my considerable amount of free-time having thusly been afflicted by the P.I. and the fact that it was after midnight. But at around 2:30 after doing exhaustive, primitive searches for word-strings I came up with a website that kept asking me to log-in, which wasn't annoying at all because hell it was only 2:30 and my legs were itchy and I was frustrated, so yea that was cool. But I got it, Telecom, by Sci-Fi Lullaby. And I'll give you the sweetest high-five ever if you've ever even heard those tunes before or heard of the bands, but good stuff.

Random Ruminations:
  1. How come people insist on drinking their alcoholic beverages out of their stirring straws?
  2. Moreover, why does this being so bother me so much?
  3. To announce or not to announce; I don't know how I feel about people telling everybody and their mother it's their birthday. I personally like to keep it on the dl when it's my birthday, though I admit it makes one very happy to be told to have a happy birthday; wouldn't that be tainted by the person being basically forced to tell you to do so?
  4. I wonder if we celebrate birthdays with such mirth because otherwise they'd be quite sombering experiences, chiefly pointing out how little we've changed the and in the year we've just now been afforded. I wonder the importance of such nominal mile-stones, but then again I like to ponder what goldfish are thinking about the instant after they blink.
  5. Happy birthday Mike Curley, and if you're a friend of mine please tell me when your birthday is, so I can write it down in my handy birthday book, because I generally forget things like that.

But I must get going, I'm running a bath; and I don't plan on getting out until all my extremities are pruned.


Anonymous said…
"Happy birthday Mike Curley, and if you're a friend of mine please tell me when your birthday is, so I can write it down in my handy birthday book, because I generally forget things like that."

- Happy Birthday Mike... mine is August 29th ;)

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