Crazy dreams
I sometimes dream in full movies, and I did last night so I gotta post it because it was cool and weird as hell, so here it goes...
It was kinda like myself and some of my friends were vampire hunters, like John Carpenter's Vampires and I was James Woods only I looked the part. We were battling vampires at Sangertown Mall and doing well. The coolest part about the dream would had to have been whenever I was walking, that cool John Carpenter music followed me around. The one from his crappy escape movies but I had a cool snake Plisken vibe going, giving off cool one liners and such. The fights got bad and I lost my team in some pretty sad ways, mainly because we ran outta of gear (we only had holy water and wooden arrows). Tony for example was turned into a vampire in the arcade (I know the arcades gone but I remember what was good and pure) and I was forced to use the last of my holy water on him. John was trapped inside the Sicilian delight and didn't make it out. I was able to locate 2 people in the mall, both conveniently had the power to bless water. A priest who was killed right after I met him and this old woman who for some reason was the slutty one from the golden girls. She blessed the fountain outside Kaufmans and I filled a water bottle and finished off the remaining vampires, the last one who was supposed to be the hardest was Tim Curry which is always scary. I disposed of him quite easily and started to walk out through Kaufmans, with that cool music playing and I looked at some chicks who were there staring at me and I was like, names frank...And that was it, weird mainly because I haven't watched a John Carpenter movie in like a year but I'm a weird child
It was kinda like myself and some of my friends were vampire hunters, like John Carpenter's Vampires and I was James Woods only I looked the part. We were battling vampires at Sangertown Mall and doing well. The coolest part about the dream would had to have been whenever I was walking, that cool John Carpenter music followed me around. The one from his crappy escape movies but I had a cool snake Plisken vibe going, giving off cool one liners and such. The fights got bad and I lost my team in some pretty sad ways, mainly because we ran outta of gear (we only had holy water and wooden arrows). Tony for example was turned into a vampire in the arcade (I know the arcades gone but I remember what was good and pure) and I was forced to use the last of my holy water on him. John was trapped inside the Sicilian delight and didn't make it out. I was able to locate 2 people in the mall, both conveniently had the power to bless water. A priest who was killed right after I met him and this old woman who for some reason was the slutty one from the golden girls. She blessed the fountain outside Kaufmans and I filled a water bottle and finished off the remaining vampires, the last one who was supposed to be the hardest was Tim Curry which is always scary. I disposed of him quite easily and started to walk out through Kaufmans, with that cool music playing and I looked at some chicks who were there staring at me and I was like, names frank...And that was it, weird mainly because I haven't watched a John Carpenter movie in like a year but I'm a weird child