Birthday over-indulgence

Thanks all, for the kind wishes in support of another year's passing. I confess I find Facebook to be an insincere medium for conveying any sort of emotion, but alas, these are the times we live in, and the (digital) cards we are dealt. I've compiled a voluminous chronicle of my thoughts on the past year, but, in the spirit of gift-giving and good will, I shall spare you few intrepid souls who would dare read it the effort (that is for another day).

In summation, I had a perfectly pleasant and indulgent day, punctuated by close family and periods of equally intense sunshine and rain. And while I'm wholly uncertain, in regards to the existence of some panacea cum greater plan, in it's absence, I can accept the trappings of fidelity and sun showers as a nod and an allusion to something else, if nothing else.

And at the end of the day, as is my wont on birthdays, I allow for anxiety and misgiving to assume their places of distinction as chief occupiers of my thoughts. Only just suddenly do I realize that all of these sort of days have and should feel this way, as a harbinger of the tasks and follies of the great span of hours yet to come, and all other things yet to be done.

Perhaps that is wisdom, only another year will tell! Thanks again gang, and apologies to those who read this far looking for powerball numbers.


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