
Showing posts from 2013

Birthday over-indulgence

Thanks all, for the kind wishes in support of another year's passing. I confess I find Facebook to be an insincere medium for conveying any sort of emotion, but alas, these are the times we live in, and the (digital) cards we are dealt. I've compiled a voluminous chronicle of my thoughts on the past year, but, in the spirit of gift-giving and good will, I shall spare you few intrepid souls who would dare read it the effort (that is for another day). In summation, I had a perfectly pleasant and indulgent day, punctuated by close family and periods of equally intense sunshine and rain. And while I'm wholly uncertain, in regards to the existence of some panacea cum greater plan, in it's absence, I can accept the trappings of fidelity and sun showers as a nod and an allusion to something else, if nothing else. And at the end of the day, as is my wont on birthdays, I allow for anxiety and misgiving to assume their places of distinction as chief occupiers of my thoughts. ...

Thoughts on Bradley Manning

Thinking a lot about Bradley Manning these past few days. While this nation's government encourages, facilitates, and rewards people for "blowing the whistle" on corporations and their fellow citizens, when it comes to the illegalities, immoralities, and improprieties of our government institutions, doing the very same thing can cost you your life, or everything else, failing that. War is hell, and national security is a dirty business, but to throw away humanity, morality, ethics, and human decency for the sake of obscure goals leaves us as a people resembling the very archetypes and monsters our enemies accused us of being in the first place. One government's traitor is another man's hero, and while very often the reality of the situation is obfuscated by the rhetoric, morals, and laws on either side, it should be obvious to any decent person that we cannot let the canaries in the coal mines go unheard, else-wise it won't be much longer until we're...
There are times when I am alone in thought that it occurs to me- outside of memories- death is nearer and sooner realized than any return to the joys or things I used to be, and I despair. But there is also a voice, not long after, and not unlike a heartbeat, which is insistent that, despite the loss of years, the opportunity to do and be exactly what I want is ever before me, and is only so far away as the next moment. And in this fashion, with hope and curiosity, I am entreated to continue forward. And so I go, towards the greater balance of everything yet to be. So must we all.



Responding to Senator Gillibrand, RE CISPA

Senator, This is the same flawed thinking which allowed for the Patriot Act, with it's robust capabilities to infringe upon civil rights, and it's pittance of terror related convictions. The bald faced truth is that for the foreseeable future no state or government will every sufficiently be able to defend against cyber attacks of any degree of sophistication, as evidenced by the repeated and incessant attacks perpetuated by groups both private and state-sponsored, by us, against us, etc. Citing danger as an excuse for infringing upon the rights and liberties of innocent and law-abiding citizens is never excusable, though it is done with an ever-increasing and frightening regularity. This is not as you say striking a balance, this is the eroding away via legislation of the basic rights of privacy otherwise afforded by the US Constitution. With all due respect, until those elected in to power realize it is not theirs to wield, but rather to shepherd, on behalf of those who...