Troubled Soul

In times of doubt, my greatest ambitions are often my darkest enemies. My undoing predicated by the words of my choosing, my fate before me the very sword of my hand, offering me nothing more than a place to fall. It is an ugly thing to see a few moments into the future, the world is always burning before my eyes.
Those are the fires of passion, the very same which have always burned brightest within me – always first to fight, ever first to love, unreservedly first to tears. When governed cautiously they serve me well, give me warmth, they light up my nights, and in the night give daylight to my dreams. But where I am lost is where they become master, it is then that the fire burns too bright, it is then when all is consumed. Afterwards where once there were dreams, I am left with nothing but the embers of calamity.
Adversity will try us all, in it’s own time, and through it’s own paces. Some more than once, some more than others. Our greatest defenses against it are also our basest: effort, and perseverance. Fortunately, we are allowed this much in life - a choice - whether we are to be victims, or survivors.
I struggle to understand whether I am paying now for the sins of my past, or simply enduring the sort of things for which I will be rewarded in the future. Every choice weighs heavy, every decision begs the question, “at what cost?” But this is not something the living can answer, I, cannot answer. At least not until the book is closed, and then I will not speak.


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