Not Now

I could stop right here, and remain broken. There’s a familiar feeling, this pain, just like so many broken times before.

But this is not the end, just as those other broken times were not the end.

To endure is an impish smile in the face of an indifferent maker.

Persevere now, let the barbs and arrows of an injurious world create a tapestry upon your back.

Laugh as the hooks sink deep, gloat as they tear your flesh, and as the blows subside, remain.

Deal in survival in the low places where all else peddle pain.

I will weep, and I will wail, and then I will howl, and then I will continue.

This is not what breaks me, this is simply sustenance.

From the pain I grow, from this moment on I now go.

(I haven't written in months, boy does it show)


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