The great, uneventful drive home.

All these roads going nowhere. My eyes on everything except what’s in front of us, we’ll get there soon enough though, I know. Hundreds of different streets, they were somedays once too. Just like me, I could’ve been any one of them. But not today, for me, maybe someday. Hundreds of streets. Millions of different houses, unique to each all are questions they beg. Special to all are their outlooks on the world. I wonder what they could’ve told me- maybe shown something different- if they were mine.

Maybe too if I knew something different I’d be there now- in the instant just passed- intent on seeing for the first time something I’ve missed for just this long. There is so much left to know in each and every one of them, and really, to me, that makes them all the same. I suppose they’ve shown me something already.
Or maybe I’d be half a world away from here, had I known that something sooner, indifferent to these possibilities though, these ideas and places just passed, pass me by. They’ve got their own second thoughts to fend off- not unlike myself on this mystery ride- both large and small.

It’s funny to think the distance is invariably the easy part about these differences which separate and compartmentalize the great elements of our lives. From far enough away it’s easy to see we are all on the same road, we are all headed in the same direction. It’s just everybody’s got their own way. The greatest failure in understanding all of this is simply that differences invariably fall away with time.

Differences are simply a matter of perspective, you must remember this.
In the end what we really see falls more upon where you stand (and where you’re willing to stand) and how you look at things, than anything else. Any one angle can be divisive, but the more angles you know, just like those streets, just like those point of views, the more you’re likely to understand. Maybe we’ll figure that out, someday.


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