TWIMorMNC (You may be who you think you are)

My head spins when I get something in it, when I lie down everything just starts coming off sideways.

Guess I really am unbalanced. Give it time, sleep on it, you’ll see it too, different vantage, different point of view.

I thought about figuring out a different change, new solutions to old problems, shoot the idea in mind full of holes, but then I get a sneaking suspicion that these are sinking thoughts.

Next thing you know, they’ll tell me hope floats, I know better, down here everything stinks.

Someone said something once, about a sad girl, a long time ago, to me. But I won't bore you with the details, I'll tell you something else that's mundane instead. And here's what I told her. And I'll be specific.

What’s passed is past, I’m sure you're smiling now, being unhappy about being sad is never a condition that lasts too long, it's important to remember that.

In any case it’s when you realize nothing at all is a condition that lasts too long, that you’re really bound to be unhappy, or maybe you'll feel nothing at all. One can never be too hasty when time is of the essence, just be patient, and give it time, it’ll all sort itself out after a while. After all, in the end, indifference is no way to feel.

My advice to me, in your situation as it pertains to me? Think I’d rather wait for the rainy season, after all, the sun tends to lose it’s season when you’re smiling all the time, for no reason. Besides, I think it'd be best to think of something grave, before the autumn leaves bury me.

I guess it’s just a lot of confusion that’s got me reeling, guess it’s all in my head, reasons unknown causing me to unravel, why I spin all these yarns. I bet I think too much, but there's really no sure way to contemplate what you can't fathom. I think I've decided to stop thinking about what I can't decide. Or maybe I should stop, now there’s an intelligent solution, I just can't make up my mind.

Maybe I’m a puzzle, and that's what's really puzzling me. I’m sure there are days when I’m this-close to finding another piece, maybe if I’d have gone the other way, maybe opened another door, maybe behind that one I would’ve found the rest of me. Or maybe you've got to leave something behind, if you ever want to be complete. Maybe that’s the key?

Some days it just feels like everybody wants a piece, but what can I give? I'm not much of a holy man, lord knows I’m incomplete.

Right now? 'Nowhere near enough to go around, not today, no how.' And no, I’m not sorry I can’t tell you that, not when I don’t say anything at all, sometimes just a little is too much.

And as far as matters of compromise, when it’s a matter of give and take, even when I’m sure you just want a tiny piece, there’s none to spare I’m afraid. And other times even too much of nothing is still nothing, after all, all I can think to need may be a little peace.

But enough about me, let me tell you what I really think.

Sometimes everything has a way of turning out just the way it’s supposed to for me, just because there’s no other way it ever possibly could be. Today everything’s just fine, just right, unequivocally, unconditionally; stasis. I fully expect tomorrow to be no different.

Still got my heart on my sleeve, just a little colder for wear. I haven't felt this vapidly indifferent in years, maybe it's the weather, or my nerves, ain’t that cool?

Sincerely unemotional, conditionally, and distantly yours, with problems that are vaguely mine,

To Whom It May Concern.


Anonymous said…
And what I mean to say is, do not be afraid to look the fool, have no fear of being thought overly sincere, and never question why you do anything in this life, so long as you’re doing so from the bottom of, and with the whole of your heart. I’ve come to find that there are a great host of things in this world which are truly beautiful, though not readily seen; often times they are painted over with a veneer of sorrow, or marred first by tragedy, and sometimes things beautiful are simply hidden by the confusion which seeps into all aspects of our lives. Sometimes we have to reach beyond what is easy for what is right, and sometimes we must look past hate, if we are ever to see love smiling back at us.

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