I'm not even saying it to be mean, but I'm smarter than anybody you've ever met. The only things that make me sad are that I can't always be with the ones I love, and some day I will die.

What can you say that would make a difference to me?

I'm glad you feel smarter than everyone...so do I. But you're not always right, your inability to see things from other people's points of view- doesn't make you better than them... a lot of times I know where you are...I've already been there.

If I've hurt your feelings, then you've missed the point.

I don't feel smarter than everyone, I am. It's been tested, measured, gauged, and proven moot. I think faster and have seen anything and everything you think I've missed three times over. If your feelings are hurt, that is something you must rectify, because it won't change a thing.

You ask foolish questions...a tautology in itself. This can go no further, less in the face of recidivism, I have found no need to prove things I am sure of.


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