Just now Pat lays his head down somewhere out west. Somewhere even I’ve never seen. I like to picture his wonderment that first morning, when he woke up to another world, I know he arrived there at night, I’m sure the mystery was palpable in that desert air, in my thoughts I can feel it even now. Somewhere too Jon sleeps, and Mike as well, with his happiness right beside him. I’ve been where they been, their homes feel sort of like home to me, too. I wonder how it feels when I’m not there, I wonder a lot about their first mysteries, those first mornings they woke up to find the world has met them differently. I hope they’re never quite as nervous I am those mornings, I like to think they aren’t.
We were all together a day ago, I find it to be quite marvelous how quickly the rust of time and distance falls away when exposed to the joy of reunion. Like a vortex I am caught in these moments, how wonderful it is to have to pull the table away from the wall for dinner, ‘there will be many more this night.’ I say this to myself just now, and I seek now the days ahead gladly, in anticipation of when again it’ll ring true.
I have found much of the meaning of life to be gleaned from days like these, I see happiness most visible before me in familiar faces, in knowing smiles and understanding embraces. I know those closest to me because they have seen me fall, and sometimes they have fallen down with me, most importantly they stand with me still. I like to think we all have a common interest in each other, I guess I could explain it that way, and it makes me very happy, to be loved in that fashion.


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