Two sides to every story,

I watch as the sunlight flirts with the trees in the afternoon. I watch all around me the day breaking as it should, this seems familiar, everything feels warm. I see it touch her hair, the ease of her laughter touches me, a maddening peace grips me stronger than the melancholy of old years ever could. What peace I might find if she was mine, I wonder if she’ll ever know this moment was ours? I should like to stop and say hello, tell her of this secret world we’ve created, but she would just smile, I just nod and smile as I go, so too goes a little world.
Everything feels like home just now…maybe she already knows.

It’s a maddening world she’s been brought into, and I wonder after whoever it was that had the courage, or the audacity to bring about such events. I wonder if I should like to do the same, is it selfish at this point to create a life? What is it the world needs more of? Humans, or understanding. Certainly the latter is in prime depletion, only we are attempting to fix it with the former. The equation is lacking, and sorely at that, I suspect. This is not going so well, this human experiment.


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