Notes from the Brink...

Joe B somehow defied the laws of everything I have ever learned and turned in a solid day at the ballfield this past weekend. Consistently displaying doubles power with a propensity to pull the ball down the line; this after staying up until 7:30 in the morning and dominating a plate of sin at Marlogg's. Sadly Joe B. Lost, well not sadly at all actually, because I won. And it's never sad when I win.

  • Interesting corollary: It is my contention that whenever Chip and I are on the same team we do not lose, therefore this will now be given as fact, and you will use it as such going forward.

Marc Reina has a good thing going with his quote of the day, and needs to begin archiving them for my future enjoyment, check it out kids.

  • Interesting tidbit: Marc Reina's grad party video is set to drop soon, check it out when you get the chance, very nicely done, and above all, hilarious.

Random observations:

  • Guys aren't afraid to admit that they enjoy the new Justin Timberlake joint, must be a good jam then, right?
  • I've only lost to two girls in my life in beer pong; Chrissie Carino and Jenn Vivyan, beyond that, chicks cannot beat me, as evidenced by the beatings put upon all girl teams at Jim Aiello's this past weekend. Go in the kitchen and get me a sandwich, ladies.
  • Paul Dack is a must-have for all social gatherings, private parties, wine-tastings, and public events, he brings a lot to the table.
  • If Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers retire after touring this summer, I'll be that much cooler than you, the reader, for having seen them twice in concert (unless of course you happen to be from Ilion, in which case you've seen them 30+ times, because that is a cottage industry for Ilionites, seriously look it up).
  • I think the gold standard for the quality of a band should not be gold records, or platinum records but rather how many decent rock-blocks they can put together. I bet you've never thought of it like that before, feel free to discuss this idea with your friends, they'll think you're clever, until you say something stupid, like we all know you will.
  • Everyone has to call Chris Belmont "fight club" from now on. Don't ask why, just do it folks, with your help we can make this thing stick
  • Konstantine is a phenomenal song. You know it, I know it.
  • Bucky Fernalld doesn't think "The Boondock Saints" is a good movie. "Ehhhh, I didn't really like it, it's average at best," I believe were his exact words. Apparently a 7.7 from isn't good enough for ol' Buck. Well Buck I have some bad news for you, besides loving Tom Petty, Ill-towners also love the Boondock Saints, good luck ever going to Primo's again, or Fay's Mall. Good luck explaining your opinions to these guys Buck.
  • I'm extremely grateful for the many great friends I've had in my life, more and more it is impressed upon me how important friends and family truly are to a person. It's not where you're at, or what you're doing, it's who you're with, truly.
  • Townes Van Zandt is underrated.

Much more to come soon, you can rest assured. It appears I'll be off camping this weekend, let's all cross our fingers now and pray that I don't get poison oak, or ivy, or sumac. Because if I do I'll just cut the affected areas off, there is no doubt in my mind.


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