All is quiet, on New Year's Day...

The holiday season has steamed on through, how was yours? I had one of the best Christmases that I can remember. I made a concerted effort this year to try and see everybody significant in my life, and really slow everything down; and I can honestly say it went well, very stress free, something I didn't expect at all. For Christmas one of my gifts was a life-sized David Ortiz standup cut-out, needless to say it is a great conversation piece as well as an object which inspires terror deep in the bowels of my black lab Mickey. There have been some interesting encounters between those two, my two year old spoiled by my mother dog, and a large piece of cardboard, good times for all.

This Christmas season featured some spirited board games between family members, I must say Chip and myself make a rather formidable Scene-It team, though Jon is pretty nasty, I think his girlfriend might have him in training watching Pretty in Pink and Sleepless in Seattle and shit like that, not that I've ever seen those movies before, or that there's anything wrong with that.

Also the board game Battle of the Sexes, IQ edition was purchased; I have not seen that much raping and pillaging of women since I'm not permitted for legal purposes to admit when. But it was brutal, after much debate and conferring the women playing were able to successfully come up with a different excuse to accompany each incorrect answer. So if you are a member of the alleged "fairer sex," please do not challenge me in Battle of the Sexes, lest I be arrested for badly beating women, because that's what happens. A woman's brain is a third the size of man's, it's science (Ron Burgandy quote, before the national organization for women start boycotting my blog).

A New Year is upon us, anybody have any interesting resolutions? I don't really do any of that sort of deal, I kinda like to just try and not suck/do good on a day to day basis; it's a pretty solid policy. Did everybody get a good kiss in when the ball dropped? I think I kissed Timmy and P.J., yes you needed to know that because there's gonna be a quiz later.

I think happiness is being near to the first person or people you think of at the stroke of midnight, so I'm kind of jealous of everybody who got to pull that off bringing in 2006, when the world starts or stops anew and there's nobody else you'd rather be with, I like to think thats what life is all about, more or less. Well you have to include gambling and music and the Red Sox in there, life is about those things too, but mostly the ones you love, I firmly believe.

And definitely Happy New Year's to all of my dear friends, and whoever else cares to read this, and many happy returns as well. I had a great meal Sunday afternoon, and watched some good football, and then I decided I hadn't really written anything good in a while (or maybe ever, depending on how you feel about what I write) so I took a shot. Give it a read if you're bored:

All things green return in spring.
In it's season, through it's will the light of life brightens everything.

And God too, willed that beyond this there must ever be a fall,
We are not ageless, nor are we infallible, but mortals afterall.

And there was given for the mean; a time for thought like a knife in between, seasons of life cusped by a birth and the light,
a day in the glow, and then a death in the night.

And man has his seasons on earth to wonder, a time given to love, and an age spent to wander, a score more for birth, and a pension of golden years, memories and mirth; old age and rest, and finally it is life's final spell which puts us under, at progress' behest.

And man too is served well to remember, time being ever fleeting, a race run unto failure, the cessation of breath, a quick stand upon the shore, birth, middle-age and rest, until we are ocean-ward once more.

This much is a winter's tale; handed down in stages, on nights dark when winds blow cold,
stealing life and sating breath, the story of a master mindful to call us one and all, mighty or meek, young and old.

And still this all is impermanence, and even the darkest nights hold promise of a sunlight somewhere which soon enough must somehow be.
For the days break eternal, despite the darkness and the night is simply an ancient vow from our fathers through our most primal memories.

And still it is cold, and this January morn breaks with impatience, but the day alights a memory and a smile not so distant to me as I awaken.

I am warmed in the mind by a sun that feels like a summer, and for a moment on a somber winter's morn I am a god, at least for a minute one you made be.
In my thoughts I am a king, and if memories were coin I'd be forever rich, through a lover's smile many years ago worn on the lips of a kiss an angel once gave me.


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