
Showing posts from September, 2005

J.P. we hardly knew ye...

But it appears you suck, a lot. Yesterday I was treated to both the Sox and the Bills getting slapped about by their various opponents, I had the face that people who commit road rage make. Losman didn't suck when I saw him in Buffalo in week one, maybe somebody told him that out of bounds was a good reciever and he should throw to him often, something like that. Anyway, the Buffalo trip; it was a very fun one. Multiple Fernallds, Belmonts, and Grates and I made the trip. Everyone was up bright and early, and extra cranky right out of the shoot. Somebody forgot to bring any number of restraining devices for Chris Belmont, and the best we could do was put him all the way in the back, which did very little, if nothing to stifle his bitter-aggression. Like an extra drunk John Stockton at an in-laws family reunion, Cb was dishing insults to everybody in sight; so it was a pretty routine trip. We did some nice tail-gating before the game, threw some alcohol down of course and then heade...
It's lonely where we are. And still we stay the night, to talk it all away. I ask so many questions when I know you're listening; and still I'm sure you ask me more. It seems around this time of year the questions always turn out the same, yours and mine. How I get to you, where you and I meet; how we'll ever be the same. I'll not forget the questions, though they be too numerous to ever put down by heart. To be most certain though, I'll never forget your answers, when you finally spoke that rainy night. You told me I'd always be alone, and that's why it was ok, I'd always be with you. Do you remember the night I tried to live, the first time I really heard you laugh out loud? The stars shining, the breeze restless as it always is; pushing through trees whose leaves have long ago decided there's someplace else they long to go. Your answers were never silence, I felt a little foolish at first; I didn't know what understanding really was, how i...
I had an interesting conversation late last night with someone I've known for a few years about relationships. We seemed to come to the same conclusion as to the effects of bad things happening to good people. We kinda thought bad things most likely happen to everybody, I specifically like to think humanity has been more or less a crap-shoot. What I mean to say is that I think the idea of such a thing as kharma or fate are only so significant as the esteem in which they are held by the individual; if you believe in fate for example, you'd be inclined to believe that whatever comes your way was more or less supposed to be that way, no matter the decision or reaction to a situation, the cards have long ago been dealt. Or all the old addages, what goes around comes around, reap what you sew, do unto others... could it be simply that we believe that if we ascribe to a certain set of general conduct rules, commandments, or other various doctrines of faith we are somehow due in ...