Driftwood from the mental scrap heap

Calling a chick a punt -p +c is a bad idea, doing it a second time in the same night will not cancel out the first one, it accrues.

Dumb people should be placed upside-down in a large crate and shipped to a different hemisphere than whatever one I may choose to be in. If they manage to walk home after they are dropped off, maybe I was right, they're not dumb, just mutants.

So far this summer, if you were keeping score on Gia falling, this is what you'd have in terms of observation points: Me: 2, The rest of the world: 0. How does that happen?

Craig Wright can deliver the hell out of a pizza (or can he)?

The mets aren't as bad as everybody says they are, they're worse.

Bob Saget: most underrated actor of this or any generation, there will be no debate on this subject.

With the addition of this year's draft class, I now know 7 players in the NBA. When the hell did Bill Cartwright and Kenny "Sky" Walker retire? Those young fellas could sure play.

Red heads, thumbs up ladies; stay on the grind.


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