Madman across the water
Always starting over, but somehow I always know where to begin. The concessions that are required of one who wishes to truly start over escape me just now. I'm north-bound, just beyond the inviting Charlotte skyline. I've just begun to unwrap the emotional bundle I've just been left with. More and more the moods seem to strike me as an afterglow, a sort of numb sensation, an alarm going off sounding me out about how I used to feel, or should feel. The sun today is inviting, though it is a fool's invitation, fools like I being the ones to answer. Life's just that, a series of call and answers, it takes real guts after a while, to have the courage to face the sound, sometimes the phone rings all day. It occurs to me how heavy today is, in my place along this sunny highway, where it's chilly for this time of year, my thoughts are miles away, and lifetimes become me. I've been lucky today, my sunglasses (being ever so dark) make people more polite, and make me ...