One for the road...
Friday night was an Albany night. Buck, P.J. Grates, and myself made our way down to the capitol region to visit and frolic with the Belmonts, one last shot for all that is happiness and the enjoyment of good friends. Of course gambling occurred, of course we went to the Washington Tavern, of course there was a fight, because I'm a magnet but that's ok. That being said, when three o'clock rolled around it was decided that DiCarlo's was the best order of business for all involved, at this point two girls were included, and that made us cool on the strip club circuit. B.Y.O.B. = bring your own broads and you look like a boss player, we brought our own broads. The drinks were a gazillion dollars a bottle, I'm probably gonna have a hard time getting my wife to relinquish our first born child, as it was deeded to DiCarlo's for a round. Easily the night was enjoyable, and I wish repeatedly to convey the happiness, it was a special night. But like all good things, we w...