
Showing posts from October, 2005

Hate, hate, hate

What do we know about social order? I have a sort of pet theory wherein people like to hang out in groups where everyone plays a role which is mutually beneficial to the pack. Like where semi-good looking chicks hang out with duds so as to look better, or where, well you get the idea, the term tool comes from situations as this being so. And then there is that rare breed of person who evolves within a group, so's to fill a role; or simply find a niche which is comfortable. It has been supposed, and I myself have nominated that the J-Bird is one of the finest haters our generation has ever seen. Let me espouse some of the qualifications and criteria which comprise a top-notch hater: The hater must have at some point been hated upon, the Bird has certainly been hated upon; you can ask his former girlfriend about this being so. The hater must be extremely hypocritical, such as when the Bird tells someone their actions are wrong when in fact he is simply jealous and would readily commi...

Bear with me, or piss off!

Because I have been a buzz-kill all day Sunday, I decided to unload it all right here, the guilty shall remain anonymous and I shall feel better. Kind of like putting a knife into the side of a jack o'lantern and leaving it on somebody's doorstep with a note attached that says YOU! Anyways, here goes, give it a read if you have like four spare hours and hate people too! They give me warmth, my eight brothers. I taste the blood of lands I've never been upon. And just now it occurs to me I am not alone, the past is upon the wall. Music enters softly into my being. There is not space left for feeling there, any longer. Rather I am, I am quite full; in counting I am at some sort of apex, but I have seen too many winters in mind, and my eyes are growing tired. It seems cynicism is a great elixer against the tonic of life that is youth. I draw the cup to my lips, this is the blood of the faith, I am of the fruit of the great defender, wrong as we ever may be, our histories are re...

I can't change my mind, I knew all the time...

I had a particularly unpleasant conversation tonight, it was quite mundane in detail, brief in length; and meaningless I'm sure, come tomorrow. But as for the here and present, I find I am quite agitated, mini-survey time folks, as I'm sure if you are reading this you know me reasonably well, and I like to think you think despite my eccentricities I am a rather level-headed person, but anyway the crux of this is as follows: If I was obviously upset, and leaned over to you and whispered in your ear to never, ever talk to me again, and then followed this by either not returning your phone calls or hanging up on you, what would you do? My guess is you'd possibly come personally to see me, or perhaps write an apology for the situation that had brought about the new state of affairs; but more likely if I were to tell someone not to talk to me it'd mean they probably cared about me as much as I did they, and such an insolvent bond could easily enough be broken as to leave bot...