
Showing posts from December, 2007

An alternate ending to the universe. there might be somebody else as amazing as me out there in the Universe, just not on this planet. Makes sense to you too, right? Had a blast at Lava Friday night, I think it was Friday? I was afraid my kidneys were failing for a while the next day, turns out it was simply my back reacting to all that dancing, who knew? I'll tell you who, parallel universe me, that's who. But more to come on the whole Lava getup some time tomorrow, maybe a year in review if I get hella ambitious, stay tuned, stay tuned.

Sometimes in the city

Outside of the city the world seems to me an endless series of questions. From this overpass everything seems so near, I could be there now, if I chose that direction. I say this to you, even as you are so far away, I wonder if you can hear me? And so it’s Christmas, I wonder what the prayers of the city sound like this time of year. I see the skyscrapers like prayers, are there lights bright enough in the world to breach the heavens? I wonder if we’ll ever ask the right questions, just the same I fear we’ll never be quite ready to hear the answers they would bring. I know where I’m going, just now, I’m quite sure of it. But the directions I have differ greatly from the direction I seek. There are no maps for the traveler who finds he is lost within himself. The lights are endless, the pavement in front of me consumes every direction I should care to go, and I have so many questions right now, but there isn’t a lane for that. Anyway, there’s never enough time for that trip when one mus...